Management and Diagnostic Console
The Edit VoIP Settings panel displays the current SIP settings, and allows you to edit the settings. The
following table describes the fields.
By default, the Show CID Names and Require Authentication checkboxes are checked. Show CID Names allows
the gateway to display the configured outbound caller ID information.
Require Authentication allows the
gateway to use authentication when registering with the SIP proxy.
Use 11-digit DIDs allows the gateway to
automatically append a “1” to the registration phone number.
1. To add a new profile, choose the VoIP type from the pull-down menu and click ADD. To edit VoIP
settings, click the box next to the profile name and click EDIT. To delete a profile, click the box next to
the profile and click DELETE.
2. If editing a profile, the Edit Profile Settings page opens.
3. Enter a name in the Profile Name field, then enter values in the Server Settings fields as well as the
fields for End Point Settings. Check the appropriate boxes for 11-digit DIDs, CID names, and
4. Click SUBMIT.
IP Address Corresponds to the SIP proxy address.
Port Corresponds to the SIP proxy destination port.
Number of Lines Displays the number of lines allowed on the gateway.
End Point
Domain Displays the IP domain of the SIP endpoint.
Register Expire Time Displays the default expiration (in seconds) of the SIP
registration, and indicates how frequently re-registration will
Register Retry Interval Indicates the period of time (in seconds) before the gateway will
retry registration after a failed attempt.