V6000 Analog Integrated Branch Office Solution Installation Guide V6000 Analog Integrated Branch Office Sol
To assign an IP address to the V6000, use one of the following methods:
HTTP using a Web browser (see
Assigning an IP Address Using HTTP)
The embedded Command Line Interface (CLI) accessed via Telnet or RS-232 (see
Assign an IP Address Using the CLI)
BootP or DHCP (refer to the V6000 User Manual)
Record and retain the IP address and subnet mask you assign the V6000.
The default networking parameters are show in
Table 2.
Use the ‘Reset’ button at any time to restore the V6000 networking parameters to their
factory default values (see
Restoring Networking Parameters to the Initial State).
Table 2 V6000 Default Networking Parameters
Parameter Default Value
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway IP Address
Assigning an IP Address Using HTTP
To assign an IP address using HTTP, follow these 8 steps:
1 Disconnect the V6000 from the network and reconnect it to your PC using one of the
following two methods:
Use a standard Ethernet cable to connect the network interface on your PC to a port
on a network hub / switch. Use a second standard Ethernet cable to connect the
V6000 to another port on the same network hub / switch.
Use an Ethernet cross-over cable to directly connect the network interface on your
PC to the V6000.