Advanced 69
you turn NAT off, the computers on your network will not be able to
access the Internet. Other problems may also occur.
■ IPSEC NAT-T Pass-through — NAT-T (NAT Traversal) is an Internet Draft
proposed to IETF in order to help the problems associated with passing
IPsec traffic through NAT Routers. For NAT-T to work, both ends of the
connection need to support this function.
Ensure that you select NAT-T only if it is needed as it will reduce
LAN-WAN throughput. The ADSL Wireless 11g Firewall Router
supports NAT-T draft 2 implementation.
Universal Plug and Play
Universal Plug and Play is a technology that offers seamless operation of
voice messaging, video messaging, games, and other applications that
are Universal Plug and Play compliant. Some applications require the
Router's firewall to be configured in a specific way to operate properly.
This usually requires opening TCP and UDP ports and in some instances
setting trigger ports. An application that is Universal Plug and Play
compliant has the ability to communicate with the Router, basically
"telling" the Router which way it needs the firewall configured. The
Router ships with the Universal Plug and Play feature disabled. If you are
using any applications that are Universal Plug and Play compliant, and
want to take advantage of the Universal Plug and Play features, you can
enable this feature. Simply select On in the Universal Plug and Play
section of the Utilities page. Click Apply to save the change.
WAN Ping Blocking
Computer hackers use what is known as "Pinging" to find potential
victims on the Internet. By pinging a specific IP address and receiving a
response from the IP address, a hacker can determine that something of
interest might be there.
The Router can be set up so it will not respond to an ICMP Ping from the
outside. This heightens the level of security of your Router.
To turn off the ping response, select Block ICMP Ping and click Apply; the
router will not respond to an ICMP ping from the Internet.
Remote Administration
Before you enable this function, ensure that you have set the
Administration Password.