Step 3:
Next, fill in the chart, filling in extra unused characters with blank spaces. Note that blank spaces were
added at the beginning and end of each line in order to CENTER the logo.
1st line 00 00 I N T E R N A T I O N A L 00 C O F F E E S 00
2nd line 00 01 39 01 39 01 39 78 01 35 01 35 01 35 78 01 31 01 31 01 31 01 31 00
3rd line 00 00 32 32 32 00 E A S T 00 M A I N 00 S T R E E T 00 00
4th line 00 00 00 00 O P E N 00 37 A M 00 T O 00 36 P M 00 00 00 00 00
5th line 00 00 C O F F E E S 00 O F 00 T H E 00 W O R L D 00 00
6th line
7th line
8th line
9th line
NOTE: Re: Programming Numbers in Logo Message:
1. If you require the printing of numbers, for example, for a telephone number or part of the street
address, the numbers must be entered using the Alphanumeric Code Chart on Page 47. For
example, for the telephone number "999-555-1111" in the above example, the number 9 was
programmed using the character code "39"; the number 5 was programmed using the code "35",
2. Note that the phone number was programmed using double width characters (code "01" before
each number for double width)
PRINTED RESULT: Example of programmed Store Logo:
Step 4:
Program your logo
1. Turn the key to the "PRG" (PROGRAM) position.
2. If a PRG/Z Manager Password has been programmed, TYPE the (PASSWORD #), then PRESS the
[CLERK] key, or if you did not program a PRG/Z Manager Password, go to Step 3.
3. 1st Line: TYPE (71), PRESS the [RETURN] key (Logo line 1 appears on the display), enter the 1st line of
the logo (up to 24 characters) and then PRESS the [CHECK/STUBS] key.
2nd Line: TYPE (72), PRESS the [RETURN] key (Logo line 2 appears on the display), enter the 2nd line
of the logo (up to 24 characters) and then PRESS the [CHECK/STUBS] key.
3rd Line: TYPE (73), PRESS the [RETURN] key (Logo line 3 appears on the display), enter the 3rd line
of the logo (up to 24 characters) and then PRESS the [CHECK/STUBS] key.
4th Line: TYPE (74), PRESS the [RETURN] key (Logo line 4 appears on the display), enter the 4th line of
the logo (up to 24 characters) and then PRESS the [CHECK/STUBS] key.
5th Line: TYPE (75), PRESS the [RETURN] key (Logo line 5 appears on the display), enter the 5th line of
the logo (up to 24 characters) and then PRESS the [CHECK/STUBS] key.
Step 5: Enter (705), then PRESS the [RETURN] key, (5 Line is selected), (Max 9 line can be programmed).
* Remember, when entering any alpha descriptions, if a wrong character is entered, use the [EC]
key to "backspace" and delete that character and then continue.
www.abcoffice.com 1-800-658-8788