Windows 95 and Windows 98
Step 1: Check System Resources.
In Control Panel double-click the System icon. Click the Device Manager tab. In
the list of devices, double-click the Modems icon to show what modems are in-
stalled. If there is no Modems icon, your modem did not install. If your modem is
listed, check that there is no yellow exclamation mark or red “X” over the modem’s
icon (If there is some alteration to this icon, go to Step 2.) If any other modems are
listed, highlight the modem by clicking once on the icon next to the listed modem
and then click Remove. Turn off your computer. Wait 5 seconds and turn your com-
puter back on. Repeat Step 1.
Step 2: Check Modem Properties.
From the Device Manager tab within System Properties, double-click the Modems
icon in the list of devices to show what modems are installed. Highlight your modem
by clicking once on the icon and then click the Properties button. Read the “Device
Status” under the General tab to see if the device is working properly. Check the
Device Usage box and make sure “Disable in this hardware profile” is not selected.
(Windows 95 OEM SR2 and Windows 98 only). Make a note of the COM port and
IRQ the modem is using.
Errors reported in the Device Status box generally refer to conflicts. Click the Re-
sources tab and read the “Conflicting Device List.” If a conflict is present, click to
deselect “Use automatic Setting” and select a configuration that does not cause con-
flicts. Manually change the address and IRQ settings if needed. (Refer to Windows
95 on-line help for detailed about how to change these settings.) Click OK. If there
is no setting free of conflicts, turn to the section of this manual titled “Does Not
Step 3: Modem Diagnostics.
In Control Panel double-click the Modems icon. Your modem should be listed. If
any other modem is also listed, click to select each of these other modems and then
click the Remove button. Turn off your computer, wait 5 seconds and turn the power
back on. Return to Control Panel and double click the Modems icon. Click the
Diagnostics tab. Click the COM port designation next to your modem. Click More
Info. You should see a dialog box like the following.