D-4 Addressing, Structures, and Operation
Table D-3 SCC Logical Unit Addressing LUN Structure
n 1 0 Target
n+1 Bus LUN
Table D-4 Address Method Definition
Codes Description
00 Peripheral Device Addressing Method
01 Volume Set Addressing Method
10 Logical Unit Addressing Method
11 Reserved
Table D-5 Arbitrated Loop Node Number to ALPA Lookup Table
0:0x01 21:0x2E 42:0x52 63:0x74 84:0xA6 105:0xC9
1:0x02 22:0x31 43:0x53 64:0x75 85:0xA7 106:0xCA
2:0x04 23:0x32 44:0x54 65:0x76 86:0xA9 107:0xCB
3:0x08 24:0x33 45:0x55 66:0x79 87:0xAA 108:0xCC
4:0x0F 25:0x34 46:0x56 67:0x7A 88:0xAB 109:0xCD
5:0x10 26:0x35 47:0x59 68:0x7C 89:0xAC 110:0xCE
6:0x17 27:0x36 48:0x5A 69:0x80 90:0xAD 111:0xD1
7:0x18 28:0x39 49:0x5C 70:0x81 91:0xAE 112:0xD2
8:0x1B 29:0x3A 50:0x63 71:0x82 92:0xB1 113:0xD3
9:0x1D 30:0x3C 51:0x65 72:0x84 93:0xB2 114:0xD4
10:0x1E 31:0x43 52:0x66 73:0x88 94:0xB3 115:0xD5
11:0x1F 32:0x45 53:0x67 74:0x8F 95:0xB4 116:0xD6
12:0x23 33:0x46 54:0x69 75:0x90 96:0xB5 117:0xD9