March 31, 1999
Step 9 Check that after switching over the components the system
reports that it is ready. If the robots do not report that they are
ready, there is another or a further error in the system.
Step 10 Determine which commands have not yet been acknowledged
by the AMS software:
• HACC/MVS command “DRQ all”
• Search through the log file of the host software for com-
mands to the AMU without acknowledgement
Step 11 Determine where the media belonging to the outstanding com-
mands are located:
• by entering the archive and inspecting the drives and home
positions in the archive
• by the "Stocktaking" command on the home compartments
of the media concerned (refer to the description of your host
software for the syntax of this command)
Step 12 Compare these positions with the data in the database of the
Step 13 In the case of discrepancies change the AMU database and in
HACC/MVS systems in addition the HACC/MVS database
Step 14 Start the communication to the system
• by the HACC/MVS Release command
• by “Setting online” the drives
Step 15 Repeat the commands which are still outstanding and still
required. Delete the commands which are no longer required
from the command queue.