1. Inputs
1. ESTOP – (RED L.E.D.) This light emitting diode (L.E.D.) will indicate the status of the E-STOP. If the E-
STOP has been pressed, then the L.E.D. is ON.
2. GAS_V – (RED L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the gas valve. If the gas valve is open
(ON), then the L.E.D. is ON.
3. BRHL – (RED L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the burner high limit disk. If the disk is
closed (temperature below 330° F [166° C]), then the L.E.D. is ON.
4. SAIL – (RED L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the sail switch. If the switch is closed, then
the L.E.D. is ON.
5. EXHL – (RED L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the exhaust high limit disk. If the disk is
closed (temperature below 225° F [107° C]), then the L.E.D. is ON.
6. MAIN – (RED L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the main door. If the door is closed, then
the L.E.D. is ON.
7. LINT – (RED L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the lint drawer. If the drawer is closed,
then the L.E.D. is ON.
8. FUSE – (RED L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor
controller (computer) voltage. If the POWER ON button is pressed (green button
light is on), then the L.E.D. is ON.
9. H
O – (RED L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the water pressure switch on the Fire
Suppression System (F.S.S.) water line. If water pressure is present, then the
L.E.D. is ON.
10. F.S.S. – (GREEN L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate that the F.S.S. system output is activated.
11. STEAM – (GREEN L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the steam injection output. If the
request to turn on the steam injection is made, then the L.E.D. is ON.
12. _HEAT – (GREEN L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the heat output. If the request to turn
on the heater is made, then the L.E.D. is ON.
13. AIR – (GREEN L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the air jet output. If the request to
turn on the air jet is made, then the L.E.D. is ON.
14. REV – (GREEN L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the basket (tumbler) reverse direction
output. If the request to tumble the drum in the reverse direction is made,
then the L.E.D. is ON.
15. FWD – (GREEN L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the basket (tumbler) forward direction
output. If the request to tumble the drum in the forward direction is made,
then the L.E.D. is ON.
16. FAN – (GREEN L.E.D.) This L.E.D. will indicate the status of the fan output. If the request to turn
on the fan (blower) is made, then the L.E.D. is ON.