Ampro Corporation 420 Computer Hardware User Manual

Chapter 1 Setting Up the CoreModule 420
10 QuickStart Guide CoreModule 420
Refer to Installing Software, Drivers, and Utilities in Chapter 2
and the CoreModule 420 Doc & SW CD-ROM for more
21) Install the desired
Operating System (OS)
on the hard disk drive.
Locate the desired Operating System (OS) diskette(s), or CD-
ROM and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installing
the OS and the necessary drivers onto the hard disk drive.
Refer to Note on Hard Drive installation from 11b, page 7.
For Windows Operating Systems, most of the necessary drivers are
found on the manufacturer’s installation CD-ROM.
For non-Windows Operating Systems, some or all of the necessary
drivers may be found on the manufacturer’s diskette(s) or CD-ROM.
Refer to Installing Software, Drivers, and Utilities in Chapter 2
and the CoreModule 420 software subdirectory on the
CoreModule 420 Doc & SW CD-ROM for instructions.
NOTE The CoreModule 420 SBC ships from the factory configured only for CRT
support. Ampro provides LCD/TFT support for flat panels with specific
resolutions. Refer to the CoreModule 420 Reference Manual, the Release Notes,
and Virtual Technician on the web site for instructions and additional information
when customizing the BIOS to a particular flat panel.
Table 1-1. Jumper Settings
Jumper # Installed Removed
JP1 Serial Port 1
Enable RS485 Termination
(Pins 1-2)
Disable RS485 Termination
(No jumper) Default setting
JP2 Serial Port 2
Enable RS485 Termination
(Pins 1-2)
Disable RS485 Termination
(No jumper) Default setting
Enable Internal BIOS – Normal operation,
(Pins 1-3 on both JP4 & JP5)
Disabled – Won’t Boot
(See other positions)
Enable External BIOS – Used for recovery
(Pins 1-2 on both JP4 & JP5)
Disabled – Won’t Boot
(See other positions)
JP4 & JP5
Jumper Setting
(Shown in Default)
Enable DOC – Boot from DiskOnChip in
bytewide socket (Pins 1-3 & 2-4 on both
JP4 & JP5) Default setting
Disabled – Won’t Boot
(See other positions)
Flat Panel Voltage
+3.3 Volts (Pins 1-2) +5 Volts (Pins 2-3)
DiskOnChip Boot
Address Select
Access from DC000h-DDFFFh
(Pins 1-2)
Access from CC000h-CDFFFh
(No jumper)
JP8 Serial Port 1 Enable Serial Port 1
(Pins 1-2) Default setting
Disabled Serial Port 1
(Pins 2-3)
JP9 Serial Port 2
Enable Serial Port 2
(Pins 1-2) Default setting
Disabled Serial Port 2
(Pins 2-3)
Note: JP8 and JP9 Enable/Disable the Serial ports at the STPC Altas CPU chip.