9-12) Low Frequency OCC BW
13-16) High Frequency OCC BW
Measure OCC BW dB Down – Control Byte #97 (61h)
Description: Measure OCC BW with dB down method.
If Option 6 is installed and the frequency converter module is attached, the frequencies should be scaled by the scale factor of
the module. If the module is not attached, frequencies are sent in Hz. Use Control Word A203 to determine whether a module
is attached and the appropriate scale factor.
Bytes to Follow: 4 bytes
1-4) dB down (in 100th of dB, 1234 = 12.34dB)
Site Master Returns: 16 bytes
1-4) OCC BW (frequency in Hz)
5-8) Measure % of Power (% of power * 100)
9-12) Low Frequency OCC BW
13-16) High Frequency OCC BW
Set Bias Tee Function - Control Byte #98 (62h) (Option 10 only)
Description: Set the Bias Tee function On/Off. If the Bias Tee is turned on, the Site Master returns the results of Bias Tee.
Bytes to Follow: 1 byte
00h - Turns the Bias Tee Off
01h - Turns the Bias Tee On
Site Master Returns:
If bias tee is turned Off (1 byte)
1) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error: Invalid state
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
If bias tee is turned On (10 bytes)
1) Bias Tee Board Indicator (00h = No Hardware Installed, 01h = Hardware Installed)
2) Bias Tee Current (highest byte)
3) Bias Tee Current
4) Bias Tee Current
5) Bias Tee Current (lowest byte)
6) 10 * Bias Tee Voltage (highest byte) : voltage value is in volt/10
7) 10 * Bias Tee Voltage
8) 10 * Bias Tee Voltage
9) 10 * Bias Tee Voltage (lowest byte)
10) 255 (FFh) Operation Complete Byte
224 (E0h) Parameter Error
238 (EEh) Time-out Error
NOTE: Due to the hardware delay, the Site Master does not return the results of the Bias Tee until ap
proximately three seconds after the Bias Tee is turned on.
82 Site Master PM