E. Once you have accepted the terms of the License Agreement
the Choose Location Destination screen is displayed (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Choose Destination Location Screen
For most users, the destination location identified by the software
is sufficient. If this is the case, click the Next button. Advanced
users may want to select an alternate location for the software
files by clicking the Browse button and locating the desired location.
To stop the software installation, click the Cancel button.
F. Once you have chosen the destination location for the files,
the Setup Status screen is displayed (Figure 8). During setup, a
progress bar is displayed.
Figure 8. Setup Status Screen
G. Once setup is complete, the Installing/Updating Driver for
Devices... screen is displayed (Figure 9).
Figure 9. Installing/Updating Driver for Devices... Screen
H. After the software installation is complete, the InstallShield
Wizard Complete screen is displayed (Figure 10). In order to the
software installation to take affect, you must restart your
computer. Click the circle next to “Yes. I want to restart my computer
now”, then click Finish to perform a restart. To restart your
computer at a later time, click the circle next to “No, I will
restart my computer later”.
Figure 10. InstallShield Wizard Complete Screen
I. After restarting your computer, the Windows log-in screen
will appear. The Omnipass software will also display a Logon
User Authentication screen (Figure 11). Enter your User Name
and Password in the Windows logon screen. You do not have
to do anything with the Logon User Authentication screen at
this time.
Figure 11. Logon User Authentication Screen
J. The software will then display the Verify Username and Password
screen (Figure 12). Enter your Windows Username, Domain, and
Figure 12. Verify User Name and Password Screen
K. Once logged into the Omnipass software, the Select
Authentication Device screen is displayed (Figure13).
Figure 13. Select Authentication Device Screen
L. Click on the APC Biometric Device Icon (fingerprint graphic,
Figure 13 and 14), the fingerprint box will change color
(Figure 14).
Once you have selected the APC Biometric Device icon, the
Choose Finger screen (Figure 15) will be displayed.
Figure 14. Select Authentication Device Screen
Biometric Password Managers