ASUS TR-DLS User’s Manual
5. OS Driver Installation
5. Driver Installation
C. Existing System Installation
Adding or Updating the C8XX Package for LSI SCSI controller. Before you install
the C8XX driver, make a backup copy of the existing kernel:
1. Log on as root.
2. At the shell prompt, type:
# cp /stand/unix /stand/unix.safe
Use this copy of the old kernel to reboot the system if the driver installation fails.
Refer to Troubleshooting for more information.
3. Once the old kernel is saved, insert the “PCI SCSI SCO UnixWare driver”
4. Load the driver using the pkgadd command by typing:
# pkgadd -d diskette1
5. Select C8XX and press Enter. The C8XX driver is then loaded onto the
6. The system will again prompt you to load a driver even if loading was
successful. Type q (quit) and press Enter.
7. Verify that the driver is now loaded successfully by typing:
# pkginfo c8xx
8. The package information should look like this: “system c8xx Symbios IHV
9. After the C8XX package is loaded, a message indicating a system reboot is
necessary may appear. To reboot the system, type the following command:
# init 6
During the boot process, the driver scans the SCSI bus and lists the devices found on
it. If the kernel panics during boot, then reboot the system with the saved copy of the
old kernel. Booting from the saved copy of the kernel is described in the following
section titled “Troubleshooting.” If the reboot is successful, the system is ready to
SCO UnixWare Server