Primary Master IDE [MONITOR]Primary Master IDE [MONITOR]
Primary Master IDE [MONITOR]Primary Master IDE [MONITOR]
Primary Master IDE [MONITOR]
When set to [MONITOR], allows you to monitor the primary master IDE
devices. Setting to [IGNORE] disables the monitoring function.
Configuration options: [IGNORE] [MONITOR]
Primary Slave IDE [MONITOR]Primary Slave IDE [MONITOR]
Primary Slave IDE [MONITOR]Primary Slave IDE [MONITOR]
Primary Slave IDE [MONITOR]
When set to [MONITOR], allows you to monitor the primary slave IDE
devices. Setting to [IGNORE] disables the monitoring function.
Configuration options: [IGNORE] [MONITOR]
Secondary Master IDE [MONITOR]Secondary Master IDE [MONITOR]
Secondary Master IDE [MONITOR]Secondary Master IDE [MONITOR]
Secondary Master IDE [MONITOR]
When set to [MONITOR], allows you to monitor the secondary master IDE
devices. Setting to [IGNORE] disables the monitoring function.
Configuration options: [IGNORE] [MONITOR]
Secondary Slave IDE [MONITOR]Secondary Slave IDE [MONITOR]
Secondary Slave IDE [MONITOR]Secondary Slave IDE [MONITOR]
Secondary Slave IDE [MONITOR]
When set to [MONITOR], allows you to monitor the secondary slave IDE
devices. Setting to [IGNORE] disables the monitoring function.
Configuration options: [IGNORE] [MONITOR]
System Thermal [Disabled]System Thermal [Disabled]
System Thermal [Disabled]System Thermal [Disabled]
System Thermal [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the use of system thermal condition
generate a power management event. Configuration options: [Disabled]
Power Button Mode [On/Off]Power Button Mode [On/Off]
Power Button Mode [On/Off]Power Button Mode [On/Off]
Power Button Mode [On/Off]
Allows the system to go into On/Off mode or suspend mode when the
power button is pressed. Configuration options: [On/Off] [Suspend]
Restore on AC Power Loss [Power Off]Restore on AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Restore on AC Power Loss [Power Off]Restore on AC Power Loss [Power Off]
Restore on AC Power Loss [Power Off]
When set to Power Off, the system goes into off state after an AC power
loss. When set to Power On, the system goes on after an AC power loss.
When set to Last State, the system goes into either off or on state,
whatever the system state was before the AC power loss.
Configuration options: [Power Off] [Power On] [Last State]
Power On RingPower On Ring
Power On RingPower On Ring
Power On Ring
[Disabled] [Disabled]
[Disabled] [Disabled]
When set to [Enabled], the system enables the RI to generate a wake
event while the computer is in Soft-off mode.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]