4-32 Chapter 4: BIOS setup
Power On By RTC Alarm [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable RTC to generate a wake event. When this item
is set to [Enabled], the items Date (of Month) Alarm and Alarm Time (hh:mm)
become user-congurable with set values.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Date (of Month) Alarm [XX]
To set the date of alarm, highlight this item and press <Enter> to display the Date
(of Month) Alarm pop-up menu. Key-in a value within the specied range then
press <Enter>. Value ‘0’ means everyday. Conguration options: [Min=0] [Max=31]
Alarm Time (hh:mm) [ XX: XX: XX]
To set the time of alarm, highlight this item and press <Enter> to display the Alarm
Time pop-up menu. Key-in a value within the specied range then press <Enter>.
Conguration options: [Min=0] [Max=23]---hour
[Min=0] [Max=59]---minute
[Min=0] [Max=59]---second
HPET Support [Enabled]
The hardware high precision efcient timer (HPET) is to increase the performance
of the Vista Multimedia player and can meet Vista’s requirement. Disable this
feature if your system is running under XP environment.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Power Up By PS/2 Keyboard [Disabled]
Allows you to disable the Power On by PS/2 keyboard function or set specic keys
on the PS/2 keyboard to turn on the system. This feature requires an ATX power
supply that provides at least 1A on the +5VSB lead.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Space Bar] [Ctrl-ESC] [Power Key]