Asus P5N-T Deluxe Computer Hardware User Manual

6-8 Chapter 6: NVIDIA
SLI™ technology support
5. The NVIDIA Control Panel window
Enabling SLI conguration
When installing two graphics gards:
From the NVIDIA Control Panel window,
Set SLI Conguration
, then click
Enable SLI
and set the display for viewing
SLI rendered content. When done, click
When installing three graphics gards:
1. From the NVIDIA Control Panel
window, select
Set SLI Conguration
then click
Enable 3-way NVIDIA SLI
When done, click Apply.
2. Select the
3D Settings
tab and enable
Show SLI Visual Indicators
When this item is enabled, a green bar
appears on the left side of the screen
while 3D demonstrations are rendered,
indicating the 3-way SLI status.