Asus P5N-T Deluxe Computer Hardware User Manual

4-6 Chapter 4: BIOS setup
4.1.4 Updating the BIOS
The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) can be updated using the AwardBIOS
Flash Utility. Follow these instructions to update the BIOS using this utility.
1. Visit the ASUS website ( and download the latest BIOS le for
the motherboard. Save the BIOS le to a bootable oppy disk.
Write the BIOS lename on a piece of paper. You need to type the exact BIOS
lename at the DOS prompt.
2. Copy the AwardBIOS Flash Utility (awdash.exe) from the Software folder of
the support DVD to the oppy disk, DVD ROM or a USB ash disk with the
latest BIOS le.
3. Boot the system in DOS mode using the bootable oppy disk, DVD ROM or a
USB ash disk you created earlier.
4. Under the DOS mode,
use <X:> (X stands for
the name of the disk
assignment) to switch to
the folder of oppy disk,
DVD ROM or USB ash
disk you saved the BIOS
leand AwardBIOS Flash
5. At the prompt, type
awdash then press
<Enter>. The Award BIOS
Flash Utility screen appears.
AwardBIOS Flash Utility for ASUS V1.17
(C)Phoenix Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Message: Please input File Name!
For C72MCP55PXE-P5NTDLX-00 DATE:10/31/2007
Flash Type -
File Name to Program: