Asus P5WD2 Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS P5WD2 PremiumASUS P5WD2 Premium
ASUS P5WD2 PremiumASUS P5WD2 Premium
ASUS P5WD2 Premium
BIOS EHCI Hand-off [Disabled]BIOS EHCI Hand-off [Disabled]
BIOS EHCI Hand-off [Disabled]BIOS EHCI Hand-off [Disabled]
BIOS EHCI Hand-off [Disabled]
Allows you to enable support for operating systems without an EHCI
hand-off feature. Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
USB Mass Storage Device ConfigurationUSB Mass Storage Device Configuration
USB Mass Storage Device ConfigurationUSB Mass Storage Device Configuration
USB Mass Storage Device Configuration
USB Mass Storage Reset Delay [20 ]
Sets the USB mass storage reset delay time in seconds.
Configuration options: [10] [20] [30] [40]
Emulation Type [Auto]
Configuration options: [Auto] [Floppy] [Forced FDD] [HD] CDROM]