Port Key In Examples
1. To access a computer attached to port 3 of a Single Stage installation, key
in 3 for the Port ID, as follows:
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Alt] 3 [Enter]
2. To access a computer attached to port 3 of a Second Stage unit that is
cascaded down from port 2 of the First Stage unit, key in 23for the Port
ID, as follows:
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Alt] 2 3 [Enter]
Note: You must key in the numbers one at a time.
3. To access a computer attached to port 1 of a Third Stage unit that is
cascaded down from port 4 of a Second Stage unit, which, in turn, is
cascaded down from port 2 of the First Stage unit, key in 241for the Port
ID, as follows:
CS-9134 / CS-9138 User Manual 15