12 What type of performance improvement is expected?
Performance enhancements experienced on a CrossFire™ system
depend on the application or game being used. Performance
improvements can be increased up to 100%, and the latest graphics-
intensive programs will generally see over 80% performance
improvement at high resolutions and image-quality modes.
13 How many independent displays can be connected to a
CrossFire™ system?
While CrossFire™ is designed for optimal use on a single display, it
is possible to drive multiple monitors using a CrossFire™ system
when CrossFire™ is not enabled. On a standard CrossFire™ system,
it is possible to drive four separate sets of monitors and still have one
of those displays as a dedicated CrossFire™ display. If the
motherboard contains an integrated video connection and
SurroundView™ is enabled, more displays can be added.
Additional troubleshooting tips are covered in the “Reference” chapter.