safety instructions iii
Same on all displays 86
Saturation 54, 80, 81, 86, 113, 120, 124
Save your Profile 35
Scale to full screen 83, 87
scaling 128
Scissor Mode 101, 124, 126
Search for Help 38
secondary display device 41
Select a deinterlacing mode 84, 87
Select a Language 37
Select a skin 37
Separate Video 126
serial number 4
Set a higher quality Anisotropic Filtering 64
Set color correction for 74, 75
Set the Anisotropic Filtering preference manually 63
Set the Anisotropic Filtering to automated preference 64, 69
Set the Anti-Aliasing preference manually 61, 73
Set the Anti-Aliasing to automated preference 61
shader 125
shader effects 125
Shadow mask 125
Slave graphics card 116
SmartShader 70
SmartShader HD 125
SmoothVision HD 125
installing 21
Sort Hotkeys 33
Specular highlight 126
Splash Screen 36
Splinter Cell 65
Standard Definition Television (SDTV) 118, 125
Standard Mode 82, 86, 87
Standard Settings 58
Standard settings 59
Stretch Main Horizontally 43
Stretch Main Vertically 43
Super Anti-aliasing 101
Super-Anti-Aliasing 126
Super-Sample Anti-Aliasing (SSAA) 63, 112