Avaya NN44400-120 Switch User Manual

NN44400-120 Offsite Agent User Guide 26 November 2010 11
Overview of the Offsite Agent desktop application
Top bar
The Top bar appears at the top of the Agent Desktop window. The Top bar provides the
system status and main controls to operate Agent Desktop.
Example of Top bar layout
The agent status icon appears on the top left corner of the Agent Desktop Top bar. It
shows the agent status, agent name, agent login ID, and agent dialable number.
The Top bar has the following icons:
Use the Terminal Action menu to perform the following tasks:
Work list window
The work list window contains work items and control buttons corresponding to the work
item. The controls and functions change depending on the information in the work list
window. The top right corner of the work list window has work item controls. These
controls are common to all work items on the work list. When a new contact arrives,
Agent Desktop adds the new contact as a work item to the work list.
The following figure shows the work list windows and controls.
Top bar icons
Icon Name Description
Terminal action Access Emergency, Observe and
Intrinsics controls
User preferences Access user preferences
Agent status Select agent status
Help Access help information
Terminal Action Menu
Command Description
Observe Used by supervisors or agent-supervisors to listen
in on a contact–not supported on Offsite Agent
Emergency Immediately connect with your supervisor in case of