22 AutoView 424 Installer/User Guide
Administrator Commands Features List
Command Description
Add Channel Set up the channel name, address, ID and scan dwell times.
Edit Channel Edit the channel name, address, ID and scan dwell times.
Delete Channel Delete a channel from the Administrator Channel List.
Administrator Functions Set up administrator, users, channel switching, port setup
and FLASH upgrade.
Scanning Initiate the mode where the switch scans from port to port.
Reset PS/2 Standard Mse/Kbd Reset the mouse and keyboard to restore correct settings.
Reset PS/2 Wheel Mse/Kbd Reset the mouse and keyboard to restore correct settings.
Version Information Access the version information about your system.
To access the Administrator Commands menu:
1. Press the keyboard Control key twice within one second.
2. In non-secure mode, the Administrator Channel List appears.
In secure mode, the User Login window appears. Type in your
user name and press Enter. The Administrator Channel List appears.
In secure mode, if you are the system administrator, log in as Admin, Root
or Administrator. Type your password and press Enter. The Administrator
Channel List appears.
3. Press the keyboard Control key twice within one second again. The
Administrator Commands menu appears.
4. Press the Up or Down Arrow keys to select a specific menu or command.
5. Press Enter to access a screen or activate a command.
Press Escape to exit the window without saving changes.