NioWatch operation
72 System manual E1
NioWatch operation
To use NioWatch
The NioWatch application resides in the Windows systray. To use
one of the NioWatch functions, right-click on the NioWatch
systray icon and select the appropriate option:
Figure 34: NioWatch systray icon
Note: After installation, a shortcut “NioWatch Client” is installed in the Nio-
Watch installation directory. You can copy this shortcut to another location (e.g.,
desktop) if desired.
After double-clicking this shortcut, the NioWatch console (see below) appears,
allowing you to execute the NioWatch functions.
Figure 35
• Display settings: Allows to view information about your dis-
play(s) and display controller. Also allows to
select a display function, control display lumi-
nance and calibrate display(s)
• Test patterns: Allows to select test patterns to show
• Application settings: Allows to change NioWatch application set-
tings, such as the Equalization option for cali-
bration or MediCal Administrator connection
• Help: Allows to consult the online help
• About: Allows to view information about this version
of NioWatch
• Exit: Allows to close NioWatch and remove it from
the systray