pen features
• If the pen doesn't work at all, or it works intermittently, try one of these solutions:
- If the pen's battery light is blinking or lit, then the pen's battery is fully discharged;
connect the pen to the USB power adapter or your computer.
- Make sure the pen is not pointing at a shadow and make sure its tip is not in a
- If the room is brightly lit, reduce the room illumination.
- If you're trying to use the computer's mouse at the same time as the pen, point the
pen away from the screen while using the mouse.
• If accurate clicking is difficult, hold the pen steadier when clicking.
• If the mouse pointer is in the wrong place on the screen, or the mouse pointer's
movement is restricted to only part of the screen, make sure your projector is displaying
the computer's screen and not some other source (such as DVD, VCR, etc.). To change
the source, press the SOURCE button on the projector or remote control.
• If the pen has the gap problem between the tip and the cursor on your Apple computers,
install the scaling fix that came with the user manual CD-ROM:
i. Mount the “ScalingFix.dmg” disk image - just double-clicking the file should
auto-mount it.
Color selection button
Left mouse button
Battery light
Solid red: charging
Red light off: fully charged
Link light
Blink: attempt to link to projector
Solid: working status
USB connector
rist strap holder
Projector’s power button