24 Menus
2. ASPECT: There are five aspect ratios that can be selected for different video signal:
■ 16:9 : Scales an image so that it is displayed in the center of the screen with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
■ 4:3: Scales an image so that it is displayed in the center of the screen with a 4:3 aspect ratio.
■ ZOOM: Enlarges an image with letterbox format to display it in full-screen format with a 16:9 aspect
ratio. The upper and lower portions of the image are cropped. Use this setting for Cinemascope and
Vista video wide screen formats.
■ DYNAMIC: Expands an image with a 4:3 aspect ration NON-linearly along the horizontal axis to
provide full screen display at a 16:9 aspect ratio.
■ REAL : One-to-one mapping is performed without any scaling of the image. The image is displayed at
the center of the screen.
BEFORE: 16:9 images (1080i,
AFTER: Projects images on a full
16:9 screen
BEFORE: Picture images
with a ratio of 4:3 (480i, 576i,
480p, 576p and PC)
AFTER: Projects images at
a 4:3 ratio
BEFORE: Cinemascope
and vista signals with a ratio
of 4:3
BEFORE: Projects images
with a ratio of 4:3 (480i, 576i,
480p, 576p and PC)
AFTER: Expands projected
image in horizontal direction to fit
a full 16:9 screen
BEFORE: 16:9 images (1080i,
AFTER: Projected images are
reduced to a half. (1080i)
AFTER: Projected images are
compressed to a full screen size.