Black Box NBS008A Network Hardware User Manual

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Chapter 4: Installation
4. Installation
1. Find a location suitable for installing the switch chassis, with access to AC power outlets and the connections you intend to
switch through the unit.
2. During initial installation, the switch should first be powered up and the connection state be switched between “A” and “B”
using the keylock switch and front panel toggle switch. This ensures that all of the internal relays or fiber optic switch
mechanisms (depending on model) are in a known connection state before attaching network cables to the unit. Because the
switch uses latching relays and latching fiber optic switching mechanisms, as soon as cables are attached, the selected data
paths will be active regardless of whether or not the switch is powered ON. Once this step has been completed, remove power
from the switch until after all other connections have been made as described below.
3. If you intend to use serial control, connect a serial cable to the DB9 RS-232 console port. If the switch has the Ethernet Module
installed, set the terminal to 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. If the switch does NOT have the Ethernet
Module installed, set the terminal to 1200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. See Table 3-1 for the DB9 connector
signal assignment.
4. Connect a 12-VDC power supply to either power supply connector. If you are using redundant power supplies, connect one to
each power supply connector. The indicators, PS1 and PS2 on the front of the unit will indicate that the associated power
supply is energized.
5. Connect RJ-45 or fiber optic cables between the switch unit and the devices/network connections that you want to control.
The switches connect the COMMON ports to either A ports or B ports.
6. The switches are completely bidirectional, and have no preference to signal direction.
NOTE: The switch provides straight pass-through connections. If your application requires a crossover cable, use only one
crossover cable in that path. Use a straight-through cable on the other side of the switch.
7. If you are daisychaining multiple racks together to create a system of racks, connect an RJ-11 crossover cable from the GANG
OUT port on one unit to the GANG IN port on the next unit.
NOTE: Only the first rack in a daisychain system can have an Ethernet remote interface option installed (NBS), all the rest of the
racks in that daisy chain must be non-Ethernet models. Also, if the first rack does have an Ethernet remote interface
option, its address DIP switch must be set to address 1, and the address DIP switches of the other racks in the daisychain
must each be set to a unique address in the range from 2 to 255.
8. Apply AC power to (each) power supply. The appropriate power supply status indicators (PS1 and/or PS2) will light. The switch
position indicators (A and B) on the front of the unit may or may not light depending on the position of the switch ports.
Indicator A lights only when all ports are in position A, and likewise indicator B only lights when all ports are in position B.
NOTE: If you are connecting the NBS004MA, NBS006MA, NBS008MA, NBSALL8MGR, or NBS016MA to an Ethernet network,
you must first set some TCP/IP related parameters using the serial port on the switch. Set these parameters before
attaching a cable to the NETWORK port, because the default parameters may not work or could interfere with your
network. See Section 5.4 for more information about TCP/IP setup.