Black Box NBS008A Network Hardware User Manual

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724-746-5500 |
Page 19
Chapter 5: Operation
Table 5-1. RS-232 Controller Card response to “help” command (1200, N, 8, 1).
Rack 1
switch Rev A
get system
get rack n (n = rack addr, 1 to 255)
get port y (y = port addr, 1 to 4080)
get version n (n = rack addr, 1 to 255)
set system X (X = A or B)
set rack n X (n = rack addr, 1 to 255, X = A or B)
set port y X (y = port addr, 1 to 4080, X = A or B)
help (displays current commands)
SPACE (space character starts terminal mode)
exit (exit terminal mode)
NOTE: For commands that use a rack address “n,” refer to Section 3 for information on how to set the rack address DIP switch
SW2. Each rack can contain up to 16 ports. Rack 1 is assigned port numbers 1 through 16, rack 2 is assigned port
numbers 17 through 32, and so on. For commands that use a port address “y”, use the following formula to determine the
port address of any port in any rack: y = 16*(rack address – 1) + port#
Example: Port 12 in rack 3 has port address 44.
Commands are not case sensitive and can be entered as either upper or lower case. The terminal interface echoes each character
it receives back to your terminal, allowing the user to backspace to correct typing errors. Each word on a command line must be
separated by a single SPACE character. The command is processed when you press the ENTER KEY. All of the above commands
except “help” and “exit” may be abbreviated by using only the first character of each word on the command line. For example:
“g s<CR>” is the same as “get system<CR>”.
“s r 2 A<CR>” is the same as “set rack 2 A<CR>”.
Table 5-2 shows an example of each command along with the expected Response and Action.
NOTE: Each command must be followed by a carriage return (ASCII HEX 0x0D).
Table 5-2. Commands.
Command Response Switch Action
“SPACE” character >
Starts terminal mode if not started (1200, N, 8, 1); otherwise, will echo back a “SPACE” character if
already in terminal mode.
get system System status (A or B) No switching action taken.
set system A System set to A All COMMON ports in system will be connected to their respective A ports.
set system B System set to B All COMMON ports in system will be connected to their respective B ports.
get rack 1
Rack 1 status
No switching action taken. In the response shown, Ports 1–4 are in A, 5–8 are in B, and the rest are
not present. If the selected rack doesn’t respond within 3 seconds, Rack 1 will reply with “No
set rack 1 A Rack 1 set to A All COMMON ports in rack 1 wil be connected to their respective A ports.
set rack 1 B Switches respond “Rack 1 set to B” All COMMON ports in rack 1 wil be connected to their respective B ports.
get port 8 Port 8 status (A, B, or empty) No switching action taken.