Black Box NBS008A Network Hardware User Manual

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Page 39
Chapter 9: MIB Path Summary and Trap Definitions
A/B Switch Rack Group Status/Control. One character for each of the sixteen ports in the rack. Any character can be used to label
a group, except “0” which indicates independent and “X” that skips a position (retains the previous group character). All ports in
a group follow any switching command to any card in the group.
NOTE: RJ-45 models that switch all 8 leads are able to do so by utilizing a different version of switch firmware that makes use of
the switch relays normally associated with ports 9 thru 16. These models force the port 9 connection state to match port
1, port 10 to match port 2, etc. The abRackGroups object on these two models of the switch is preconfigured and set to
“read only” to ensure that this grouping cannot be inadvertently modified.
A/B Switch Rack Configuration Status. One character for each of the sixteen ports in the rack. This is a read-only variable in a
string of 16 characters. A “1” will be displayed for ports which are present, and a “0” will be displayed for ports that are not
A/B Switch variable table. This variable is not directly accessible.
A/B Switch “Port” address. Each A/B switch port address is determined by the position it is installed in the rack and the address
of the rack. The formula used to determine the switch port’s address is: port address = 16 * (rack address – 1) + port #.
For example, A/B Switch ports 1 through 16 are in rack 1, and A/B Switch ports 17 through 32 are in rack 2, and so on up to A/B
Switch ports 4065 through 4080 which are in rack 255.
A/B Switch Port Status/Control. This variable is used to control the A/B switch port connection. When set to A, the switch will
connect the selected COMMON port (or Device port) to its respective A port. When set to B, the switch will connect the selected
COMMON port (or Device port) to its respective B port (or Shared Port B). When queried, the status of the A/B switch port will
be reported as A or B if the addressed port is populated, or the status will be “Empty” if the addressed port is empty.
A/B Switch Card Software Version. This is a read-only variable, and is limited to a maximum of 14 characters. This variable is not
applicable to the switch, which will respond N/A.
A/B Switch Port Identification String. The string is limited to a maximum of 14 characters.
The IP address of the remote entity that last accessed branch This variable can be used to identify the last IP
address that accessed any mcAgent variable. It is returned in the authenticationFailure message.
A/B Switch System SNMP Trap Definitions:
All traps carry the sysObjectId ( variable, whose value is
coldStart— generic trap 0
This trap is sent during a power on initialization and reboot of the Ethernet network management interface. It carries the sysDescr
variable (
authenticationFailure—generic trap 4
This trap is sent as a result of an authentication failure in processing an SNMP request. Generally an authentication failure occurs
as a result of an SNMP request with an invalid community name. It carries the IpRequester variable.
abRackKeyLockChange—specific trap 1
This trap is sent when the key switch is changed on a rack. It carries the abRackKeyStat variable.
abRackGangSwitchChange—specific trap 2
This trap is sent when a rack gang switch occurs. It carries the abRackGangPort variable.