Black Box NBS008A Network Hardware User Manual

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Chapter 5: Operation
5.3 Enhanced RS-232 Terminal Commands (For Network Manageable Models, NBS004MA,
This section is applicable to network manageable switch models (NBS004MA, NBS006MA, NBS008MA, NBSALL8MGR, or
NBS016MA). The RS-232 DB9 interface and the GANG IN interface on network manageable models operates at 9600 bps (rather
than at 1200 bps as is the case for a unit without the Ethernet Module installed). The GANG OUT interface remains unchanged
and continues to operate at 2400 bps. This allows the GANG OUT interface to still be used to connect to the GANG IN port on
another switch (that does not have the Ethernet Module installed), so that multiple racks can be daisychained together. When
daisychaining multiple racks, only the first rack in the chain may have an Ethernet Module installed.
Network manageable switches support an enhanced set of serial commands that are listed below and described in more detail in
Section 7. To communicate with a switch with an Ethernet Module, set your RS-232 terminal to 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits,
and 1 stop bit. Connect this terminal to the DB9 interface on the switch (use a straight-through M/F cable to connect to an IBM
PC standard DB9 serial port).
When you apply power to the system, the Ethernet Module runs a series of internal self tests and configuration steps. This takes
approximately 5 seconds. After this process is complete you will see a sign-on message displayed on your serial console, similar to
the following:
R6000 Agent Version 2.9N JUL 2010
Copyright <c> 2009|
All rights reserved
System starting ...
Rack position A
Console ready
At this point the switch is now ready to receive RS-232 serial commands via the DB9 or GANG IN connector. If you type “help”
followed by the ENTER KEY, the list of available commands will be displayed as shown below. See Section 7 for a detailed
description of each command.
GET ALL display all settings/configuration parameters
GET VERSION display software versions
GET[SET] SYSTEM [A/B] display/set all ports in system
GET[SET] RACK N [A/B] display/set all ports in a single rack
GET[SET] PORT N [A/B] display/set a single port in a rack
GET EVERYRACK display status for all racks
GET EVERYRACK N display status for rack 1 thru N
GET POWER N display power supply status for a rack
GET[SET] IPADDRESS [X.X.X.X] display/set IP address of E/N network module
GET[SET] SUBNETMASK [X.X.X.X] display/set subnet mask of E/N network module
GET[SET] GATEWAY [X.X.X.X] display/set the gateway router’s IP address
GET[SET] READCOMMUNITYNAME [string] display/set network module SNMP read password
GET[SET] WRITECOMMUNITYNAME [string] display/set network module SNMP write password
GET[SET] WEBENABLE [ON/OFF] display/set web browser interface status
GET[SET] WEBPASSWORD [string] display/set web browser interface password
GET[SET] WEBTIMEOUT [N] (seconds) display/set web browser interface timeout
GET[SET] WEBPORT [N] display/set web interface port number
GET[SET] TELNETENABLE [ON/OFF] display/set telnet interface status
GET[SET] TELNETPASSWORD [string] display/set telnet interface password
GET[SET] TELNETTIMEOUT [N] (seconds) display/set telnet interface timeout