
possible to use any other off-the-shelf
Note: If the AirStation is already
connected by Telnet or Client Manager, you
cannot log in from the terminal software.
3. Setup the terminal as follows:
Baud rate: 57600
Data bit: 8
Parity: None
Stop bit: 1
Flow Control: None
4. When the "Apxxxxxxxxxxxxx login"
prompt appears, login the WLM2-G54 by
5. Set the WLM2-G54s time by using date
command: Setup date year/month/date
(use two digit number for the month and
the date, Example: "set date 2002/03/27")
6. Set the WLM2-G54s ESS-ID by using
"essid" command.
airset 11g essid xxxxxx
(ESS-ID is defined by up to 32 alphanu-
meric characters. The default value is 12
digits. You can reset the ESS-ID to the
default value by using "airset 11g
essid_default" command.)
7. Set the WLM2-G54s wireless channel.
airset 11g channel xx
command. Select one number from 1~11.
The default number is 11.
8. Set the WLM2-G54s WEP. Use
airset 11g wep xxxx yyyy zzzz
command. Xxxx is the key type (40 or
128bit) and yyyy is the key index number
and zzzz is the actual key as shown below.
Keytype: Key 40bit WEP
Key128 128bit WEP
Key index: The index number of the WEP
to be used, select one from 1~4. The
default is 1.
Key: text + 5 blank spaces + 5 letters or
10 digits hexadecimal (for 40bit WEP) or
13 characters or 26 digits hexadecimal (for
128bit WEP)
Note: the text must be used with
mark.s. Examples:
airset 11g wep key text skey5
airset 11g wep key a3d58bb632
airset 11g wep key index 1 text
If you want to clear the WEP key use:
airset 11g wep keytype clear (the keytype
is explained above).
9. Set the WLM2-G54s system ID name. Use
the set apname xxx command. Xxx is a
numeral of up to 32 characters. An
example is: Set apname AirStation01. If you
need to re-set the device to default name
use the following example. Set apname
10. Set the WLM2-G54s IP address. Use ip
address lan0 assigned_ip command.
Assigned_ip: The IP address assigned by
your ISP. Examples:
Ip address lan0 manually input the
IP address and Netmask.
Ip address lan0 dhcp use the
DHCP server
Ip address lan0 clear clears the IP
11. Set the WLM2-G54s default gateway. Use
ip defaultgw gw_ip command. Gw_ip is
the assigned gateway IP. Example: gw_ip
8.8 Input Parameters Through a
Wired PC, Telnet Software
The WLM2-G54 setup can be performed by
using Telnet software similar to the Terminal
software above.
In order to bring up the setup page:
1. Connect the supplied serial cable to the
AirStation and the PCs COM port.
2. Select Start / Run.
3. Input Telnet <WLM2-G54s IP address>
in the file name and press Enter. The IP
address can be identified through the Client