Cabletron Systems STHI Switch User Manual

Trouble Resolution
Page 4-2
4.2 Trouble Resolution
If this section does not guide the user to a solution, please contact
Cabletron Systems Technical Support (see Section 1.4, Getting Help.)
Loss Of Power 1
If the STHI is having power problems, check the power delivery system
(power cable, power outlet, circuit breaker, fuse).
Failure to Link on Enabled Port
Check that the Token Ring devices at either end of the cable are
Verify that the network cable’s connectors have the proper pinouts. Refer
to Section 2.2.2, TCU and COM Ports.
Check the cable for continuity. A variety of tools are available for this test,
depending on the media being used.
Check that the cables meet specifications for dB loss as described in
Appendix A, TPIM Specifications.
Ring Speed Fault 3
The network device being linked at this port is operating at a ring speed
different from the STHI hub’s currently set ring speed. Set the two devices
to the same speed.
Ports off Port enabled but not linked.
Green Port enabled and linked.
Red Port disabled (or set to Ring Out) and not linked.
Ring Speed Fault -OR- Port linked but disabled.
Table 4-1. LANVIEW LED Signals (Continued)
LED Color Condition