Cabletron Systems STHI Switch User Manual

Fiber Optic TPIM Specifications
Page A-5
The transmitter power levels given in Table A-3 are Peak Power Levels
after optical overshoot. A Peak Power Meter is required to correctly
compare the values given above to those measured on any particular port.
When measuring power levels with an Average Power Meter, add 3 dBm
to the average power measurement to correctly compare the average
power values measured to the values listed in Table A-3 (i.e., -33.5 dBm
average + 3 dB = -30.5 dBm peak).
Fall Time 2.5 nsec 2.2 nsec 5.0 nsec
Duty Cycle 50.1% 49.6% 50.7%
Bit Error Rate: Better than 10
Table A-3. TPIM-F3 Specifications (Continued)
Parameter Typical Minimum Maximum