AlphaServer Intelligent Peripheral Platform Hardware Owner's Guide 1–1
Product Overview
This chapter includes the following topics:
IP Platform Overview
IP Platform Features
IP Platform Required and Optional Hardware
IP Platform Overview
The AlphaServer Intelligent Peripheral (IP) Platform provides a full suite of hardware and
software components for voice processing, telephony and data communications, management,
processing, and storage. These components are combined to make a high performance, high
availability, rackmount-configured IP Platform, that meets certain standards and
There are two basic AlphaServer IP Platform configurations upon which all platform systems
are built:
IP Simplex System
IP Duplex System
There may also be custom variations of the IP platform.
Each rackmount platform requires a console terminal to display all system alarm messages
and manage alarm conditions.
Basic AlphaServer IP Platform management functions are designed to ensure the integrity of
the platform and to allow for the management of the platform itself. The management
functions include alarming based on critical events, for example; hardware failure, logging of
events and activities, management of the individual resources, and system security. These
functions are described in the Intelligent Peripheral Fault Manager for Tru64 UNIX
Installation and User's Guide.