Appendix A outlines the menu structure of the LCD front panel
Appendix B lists the important firmware features supported with
the firmware version, arranged in accordance with
the latest firmware version as of press date.
Appendix C teaches the user how to upgrade firmware and boot
Appendix D lists all of the controller event messages.
Firmware Version & Other Information
Firmware version: 3.31E and above
Part number for this manual: M0000U0G16
Date: 6/25/03
Revision History:
Version 1.0:
initial release
Version 1.1:
added redundant controller configuration
Version 1.2:
Added host-side and drive-side SCSI
added S.M.A.R.T. with implemented Fault-
Prevention methods.
added system functions
added Fault-bus configuration to be
compatible with 3101 and 3102 series
added Host-side interface installation
added Event Messages for error message
added all advanced functions available
since 2.23K and 3.11F upward
added a functional table of content for
quick searching functions
moved SCSI/Fibre Cable Specifications to
Hardware Manual
Version 1.3:
added Chapter 8 "Fibre Operation" for the
new functions available since firmware
release 3.12.