Backup and Recovery in Windows XP
Maintenance and Service Guide C–5
2. Click Next.
3. Click Back up to protect system settings and important
data files, and then click Next.
4. Click Back up entire hard drive, and then click Next.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Creating Recovery Points
When you back up modifications since your last backup, you are
creating system recovery points. This allows you to save a
snapshot of your hard drive at a specific point in time. You can
then recover back to that point if you want to reverse subsequent
changes made to your system.
The first system recovery point, a snapshot of the entire image,
is automatically created the first time you perform a backup.
Subsequent recovery points make copies of changes made after
that time.
HP recommends that you create recovery points at the following
■ Before you add or extensively modify software or hardware
■ Periodically, whenever the system is performing optimally
Recovering to an earlier recovery point does not affect data
files or e-mails created since that recovery point.
To create a system recovery point:
1. Select Start > All Programs > HP Backup & Recovery >
HP Backup and Recovery Manager.
2. Click Next.
3. Click Back up to protect system settings and important
data files, and then click Next.