Datalogic Scanning Datalogic Jet Scanner User Manual

ContinuousMode: when enabled, the scanner can only be turned off by releasing
the SCAN key, or if Soft Trigger is enabled, by the application program. Continuous
Mode overrides Scan Timeout.
KeyboardEmulation: if enabled all scanned data are transformed into keyboard
events and can therefore be displayed and saved to a file as if input from the PDA
keyboard. If set to “Yes (Clipboard)”, it copies the scanned data to the system
SoftTrigger: when enabled, the laser can be turned on/off by the application
ScanAlwaysOn: enables the scanner for barcode reading independently from the
application software. If set to “Disabled after read”, it disables the reading after a
reading attempt. In case the scan button is accidentally pressed, this selection
prevents the driver from decoding new data while the application is still elaborating
previous data.
NotPrintableChar: if set to “Remove”, all not printable characters included in the
scanned data are deleted and the final barcode will include only printable characters.
ScanButton: enables/disables the scan button. If the scan button is disabled, the
reader can be triggered under software control.