Before contacting your local Datalogic office or Datalogic Partner or ARC,
it is suggested to save the device configuration to a *.ddc file by means of
the Genius™ software configuration program and check the device exact
model and serial number.
Problem Suggestion
Power On:
the “Power On” LED is not lit.
• Is power connected?
• If using a power adapter (like PG6000), is it
connected to AC source?
• If using rail power, does rail have power?
• If using C-BOX 100, does it have power
(check switch and LED)?
Check if you are referring to the
25/26-pin connector or to the C-BOX 100
spring clamp connectors.
• Measure voltage either at pin 13 and
pin 25 (for 25/26-pin connector) or at spring
clamp 1 and (for C-BOX 100).
On Line Mode:
the Master’s “Phase On” LED is not lit
(when external trigger activates).
• Check carefully if you are referring to the
25/26-pin connector or to the C-BOX 100
spring clamp connectors.
• Is sensor connected to EXT TRIG/PS input?
• Is power supplied to photo sensor?
• Is power supplied to one out of the two EXT
TRIG/PS (NPN output)?
• Is one out of the two EXT TRIG/PS grounded
(PNP output)?
• Are the photo sensor LEDs (if any) working
• Is the sensor/reflector system aligned (if
On Line Mode:
the Master’s “Phase On” LED is
correctly lit but nothing happens (no
reading results).
• Is the software configuration consistent with
the application condition (operating mode,
In the Genius™ software configuration
program select the OPERATING MODES
folder and check for related parameters.
Serial On Line Mode:
the reader is not triggered (no reading
• In the Genius™ program select the
OPERATING MODE folder and check if
serial on line is enabled as “On Line options”
parameter value.
• Are the Start-Stop string correctly assigned?
• Is the serial trigger source correctly
connected and configured)