Quick Reference Guide 39
Locate information about the
hardware and other technical
specifications for my computer?
You r User’s Guide has a specifications
table that provides more detailed
information about your computer
and the hardware. To locate your
User’s Guide, see "Finding
Information" on page 5.
Go to the Dell Support website at
support.dell.com and use one of the
following support tools: read white
papers on the latest technology or
communicate with other Dell users at
the Dell forum chat room.
Install new memory? Your User’s Guide has a memory
section that provides detailed
information about your
computer’s memory.
See "Memory Overview" on page 36.
For help with locating your User’s
Guide, see "Finding Information" on
page 5.
Find documentation for my
The following documentation is
available for your computer:
• User’s Guide
• Product Information Guide
• System Information Label
• Service Manual
To locate these documents, see
"Finding Information" on page 5.
If you lose your documentation, it is
available on the Dell Support website
at support.dell.com.
How Do I... Solution Where to Find Additional Information