Refer to the “SETUP MANUAL” contained on the supplied CD-ROM for details.
Setting up the Screen .................................... 2
Screen Size and Projection Distance ........... 3
Connecting Pin Assignments ..................... 11
Wired Remote Control Terminal
Specifications ......................................... 13
RS-232C Specifications and Commands ... 14
Setting up the Projector Network
Environment ............................................ 20
Controlling the Projector via LAN .............. 26
Setting the Projector Using
RS-232C or Telnet ................................... 31
Controlling the Projector Using RS-232C
or Telnet ................................................... 34
Stack Projection ........................................... 41
Video Wall Projection ................................... 44
Resetting the Lamp Timer of the Projector
via LAN .................................................... 53
Troubleshooting ........................................... 55
Dimensions ................................................... 58