Touchscreen Control Panel 15
Once calibrated, MonitorMouse for Windows NT will be ready to run
automatically each time the system is restarted. Recalibration should only be
necessary after moving or resizing the video image, or after changing either the
touchscreen, controller, or monitor.
Mouse Button Emulation Mode
Four mouse button emulation modes are supported, equivalent to the
corresponding mode numbers in the other versions of the MonitorMouse family
of products. The current mode may be changed with the Touchscreen Control
Panel. “Drag, double-click” is the default.
The modes vary in the button actions they support (clicking, dragging, double
clicking, etc.) You should choose the simplest mode that will work for your
Click on touch Left button clicking only. No dragging or right button is
supported. Works with large targets. Recommended for public
kiosk applications.
Moves the mouse pointer to your point of touch and “clicks”
the left button. A beep will confirm the click. The mouse
pointer will not move, nor will any other clicks be simulated
until your finger is lifted and the screen retouched.
Click on release Left button clicking only. No dragging or right button is
supported. Works with large and small targets.
The mouse pointer follows your sliding finger and the left
button is clicked at the point of release (lift-off).
Drag Left button clicking and dragging. No right button is
The left button is held down when you touch the screen, and it
stays down until you release, dragging as you move.
Same as Drag, but supports double clicking by tapping twice.
Recommended for general use.
If the second touch occurs immediately after the first and is
nearby, a double-click will be simulated at the exact point of
the first touch. If you do not hear two beeps, you have tapped
too fast.
Double-clicking is common in the Windows NT environment, so the Drag,
double-click emulation mode is recommended. If you are running a dedicated