Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4075, Rev BA
February 2010
Smart Wireless THUM Adapter
Operation can be verified in three locations: by using the Field Communicator, at the
Gateway via the Smart Wireless Gateway’s integrated web server, or via AMS
Field Communicator
For HART Wireless transmitter communication, a THUM Adapter DD is required.The Field
Communicator must be put into poll mode using the THUM Adapter address of 63. Use the
wired device documentation to connect the Field Communicator to the THUM Adapter.
Figure 24. Field Communicator Connections
Smart Wireless Gateway
If the THUM Adapter was configured with the Network ID and Join Key, and sufficient time
has passed for network polling, the transmitter will be connected to the network. To verify
device operation and connection to the network with the Smart Wireless Gateway’s
integrated web server, open the Smart Wireless Gateway’s integral web interface and
navigate to the Explorer page.
It may take several minutes for the device to join the network.
AMS Wireless Configurator
When the device has joined the network, it will appear in the Wireless Configurator as
illustrated below.
Function Key Sequence Menu Items
Communications 3, 3 Join Status, Wireless Mode, Join Mode,
Number of Available Neighbors, Number of
Advertisements Heard, Number of Join
4075_QIG_Rev_BA.fm Page 19 Friday, February 19, 2010 11:08 AM