Safety Notes
MITX-430/MITX-440-DVI-2E Installation and Use Guide (6806800K37B)
System Damage or Personal Injury
Covers and Panels
Failure to operate the system without covering vacant slots voids the manufacturer’s warranty.
Do not operate the system with open module slots. For optimal cooling of the system and
associated payload and to prevent electric shock, cover all open module slots and put all panels
in place before turning on power. Slot covers and panels must remain in place during system
System Damage
Most surge/transient suppressors can cause system damage from transients if used in the
typical manner.
Do not overload branch circuits. Check the manual and/or rating plate of all devices and verify
that the sum of the ampere ratings do not exceed two-thirds of the branch rating.
Do not use surge/transient suppressors without power system analysis.
System Damage
Air Filter
Air contamination can pollute the air filter and obstruct the air intake of the system which
causes system overheating and blade or system component damage.
Air filters should be cleaned at least every 90 days or sooner, depending on the conditions of
the central office environment. Because central offices vary in physical location and
cleanliness, check your air filters every week after you first install your system. In a dusty
environment, a filter may need cleaning more often than a filter in a cleaner environment.
Check the filters frequently until you have a good idea of how often it needs cleaning. Based on
your findings, establish a regular cleaning schedule and keep a log to record the date of each
filter cleaning or replacement.
System Damage
Air Filters
Air contamination can pollute the air filters and obstruct the air intake of the system which
causes system overheating and component damage.