MITX-430/MITX-440-DVI-2E Installation and Use Guide (6806800K37B)
No TPM Hardware If no TPM is found.
TPM Enabled Status Show TPM status, Enabled or Disabled
TPM Active Status Show current state of the TPM, Activated or Deactivated.
TPM Owner Status Show current TPM Ownership state, Owned or UnOwned.
Table 5-7 S5 RTC Wake Setting
Field Description
Wake system with Fixed
Enable or disable system wake on alarm event. When enabled, system
wakes on the specified hr::min::sec.
Default value is Disabled.
Wake up hour Select 0-23, for example, enter 3 for 3AM and 15 for 3PM.
Default value is 0.
Wake up minute 0-59. Default value is 0.
Wake up second 0-59. Default value is 0.
Wake system with
Dynamic time
Enable or disable system wake on alarm event. When enabled, system
wakes on the current time + Increase minute(s). Default value is
Wake up minute increase 1-5. Default value is 1.
Table 5-8 CPU Configuration
Field Description
Processor Type
Processor Speed Processor speed
System Bus Speed System bus speed
Table 5-6 Trusted Computing (continued)
Field Description