Helios Rectifier 25/48NT5C06D Installation and User Manual
9. List of terms and acronyms
ALM Alarm
BAT Battery
N Battery Return
C Common
CL Current Limit
CS Current Share
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EQL Equalize
FAN ALM Fan Alarm
FLT Float
FR GND Frame Ground
FS Forced Load Share
HVSD High Voltage Shutdown
HVSDR High Voltage Shutdown Reset
LED Light Emitting Diode
LVA Low Voltage Alarm
LVD Low Voltage Disconnect
LVDR Low Voltage Disconnect/Reconnect
MPA Modular Power Adapter
MPL Modular Power Low Voltage Disconnect
MPR Modular Power Rectifier
MPS Modular Power Shelf
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
NC Normally Closed