Programming Overview
parameter specifies whether a fixed amount of data will be sent or whether delimiters will
be used. In either case, the data sent must match the parameter setting. If a fixed number of
characters are specified, then the exact number of characters specified must be sent. If
delimiters are indicated, then matching characters must be sent before and after the barcode
data to specify the beginning and end of the data. If an incorrect number of characters or
delimiters are sent, the printer will not print correctly.
Barcodes that are too long to fit within the printable area of a label are truncated or do not
print at all. This usually results in an unreadable barcode being printed. To correct this
condition, you must set a narrower ratio, encode fewer digits, or use a more compact
Graphic Objects
Graphic objects are created by the landscape mode graphics command (GS *).
Graphic objects may only be printed as part of a landscape page. To print a graphic without
entering landscape mode, you must use raster mode graphic commands.
No landscape graphic may be wider than 256 dots; however, a graphic may be as tall as the
width of the LabelWriter printer's print head. If you need to print a graphic wider than 256
dots, you must either subdivide it into narrower sections or print it using raster mode
graphics commands.
For more information about landscape graphic objects, see the descriptions of the graphics
commands in this manual.
See Also
GS *
Line Objects
Line objects are created using the draw line in landscape mode command (GS l).
Line objects may only be printed as part of a landscape page. If the length of a line object is
set to exceed the printable area of a label, the line will be truncated at the end of the
printable area.
See Also
GS l