Configuring Portlets
26 PATRIOTcompliance Starter Kit
5 Change to the %JAGUAR%\html\classes\com\sybase\ilab\pi\pim\tasks
directory (Windows) or
$JAGUAR/html/classes/com/sybase/ilab/pi/pim/tasks (Solaris) and
rename PIMControl.class.old to PIMControl.class.
6 Shut down and restart Jaguar Server.
Creating the Account Management portlet for pacuser
Multiple portlet pages will be created for the PATRIOTcompliance Solution,
and each page includes a number of the portlets imported into the Portal
1 Start Internet Explorer and enter the URL:
2 Log into Portal Interface using the user ID pacuser with the password
3 Click Add Page in the Portal Control. Name this page Account
Managment and click Done.
4 When the Choose Portlets panel appears, select Account Management
from the Available Portlets box on the left and click the right arrow to
move each portlet to the Selected Portlets box on the right.
5 Click Done to save the portlet page with the selected portlets.
6 Log out of Portal Interface and close the browser.
Verifying deployment of the new and updated portlets
Test the newly deployed portlets.
1 If you are not logged in as pso, start Internet Explorer and enter the URL:
http://<jaguar_hostname>:8080/, and log into Portal Interface with the
user ID pso and password 123qwe.
2 Select the Admin link on the Hello, New Portal User bar at the top of the
page to enter the Admin Entry Page.
3From the Customize drop down box, choose the page you want to use to
test the portlets, PATRIOT Test, for example. Or you can create a new
page to test the portlets. Click Done.