User’s Guide – version 1.6 NetWatch
Setting up a Device
The process of setting of a network device for monitoring is done in a very intuitive
and easy to use ‘Configuration Wizard’ with five simple steps. ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’
buttons are provided for navigation within the wizard.
Step 1. Specifying Devices.
This step involves specifying the devices you wish to monitor. Devices that are set up
together will all contain the same configuration. If you want devices with different
configurations they should be set up through the wizard separately.
You can add devices in one of three ways:
A. Enter the Name and IP Address of each device you want to monitor and
click ‘add’. To add a number of devices this can be done repeatedly.
B. You can create a text file containing all the devices and their IP addresses.
You can then ‘browse’ to this file in the wizard and click ‘Upload’ to load
all the devices. Each line of the import file should have the device name
followed by a space and an IP address, followed by a carriage return.
Make especially sure that the last line ends with a carriage return.
Sample Import File Format
C. Auto Discovery: Given a starting IP address and appropriate community
strings NetWatch will automatically discover your network and allow you
to add devices found as NetWatch devices. You can choose either CDP or
route table discovery or use both together. The discovery can be filtered by
using multiple IP range or Network filters.