Analyzing and Enhancing Images
Using Palette Saturation Colors
Table 4-1. Standard Saturation Colors
Color Palette Standard High
Saturation Color
Standard Low
Saturation Color
Grayscale Red Blue
Grayscale Inverted Red Blue
Blue-red White Black
High-contrast Blue-green Dark Brown
Hot Metal White Black
Ironbow Green Tan
Amber Red Blue
Amber Inverted Red Blue
With saturation colors OFF, the temperature extremes are displayed
using the next-to-extreme colors in each palette.
To change, enable, or disable the saturation colors function:
1. Tap F.
2. Use the MOUSE controller to position the pointer over Image Settings on
the popup menu and tap E.
3. Position the pointer over the Palette tab and tap E.
4. Position the pointer over the Saturation Colors down arrow, then tap E.
5. Use the MOUSE controller to scroll to the setting you want (Off,
Standard, White/Black, Red/Blue), and tap E.
6. Tap the TRIGGER button to accept setting change and return to scan
target mode.