3. BOOKS Menu
3.1 Search Feature
The search feature allows searching
for entries saved in the following
dictionaries. You can use multiple words
for searching.
• CollinsSpanishComplete&
Unabridged Dictionary (English-
• DiccionarioGeneraldelaLengua
Español Vox
• DiccionarioMerriam-Websterde
Sinónimos y Antónimos en Inglés
• Merriam-WebsterAdvancedLearner’s
English Dictionary
• VisualDictionary(English/Spanish)
To use the search feature:
1. In the Books menu, press / to
select “Search” and then press OK /
2. Press F4 [ ] to select English or
Spanish as the search language.
3. Type a word.
• See 3.17 Hints on Inputting Words.
• Witheachletteryoutype,the
resulting list of potential matching
entries is refreshed. If the letters you
typed match an entry in the word list,
it is automatically highlighted. Or,
press / to select another word
entry you see in the word list.
• Whenanentryishighlightedfor
about 3 seconds, a preview will show
automatically on the right.
• Thesourceofeachentryisindicated
in the word list.
Collins Eng-
Collins English-Spanish
Collins Spa-
Collins Spanish-English
Eng Visual English Visual
MW ALD Merriam-Webster’s
Advanced Learner’s
English Dictionary
MWDSA Diccionario Merriam-
Webster de Sinónimos
y Antónimos en Inglés
3. BOOKS Menu