You cannot connect to the Internet
■ If you are using a dial-up modem, make sure that the modem cable is plugged into
the modem jack and not the Ethernet network jack. See “Back” on page 8 to make
sure that the connections have been made correctly.
- OR -
If you are using a cable or DSL modem, make sure that the modem cable is plugged
into the Ethernet network jack and not the modem jack. See “Back” on page 8 to make
sure that the connections have been made correctly.
■ Make sure that you do not have a problem with your modem. For more information,
“Modem (dial-up)” on page 76.
■ Make sure that your account with your Internet service provider (ISP) is set up
correctly. Contact your ISP technical support for help.
You see an “Unable to locate host” message and are unable to browse the Internet
This problem can occur when you have typed a URL (Web address) incorrectly, you have
lost your Internet connection, or your ISP is having technical difficulties.
Double-check the URL or try a different URL. If the error message still appears, disconnect
from the ISP connection and close your browser, then reconnect and open the browser.
If you still get the error, your ISP may be having technical difficulties.
Connecting to a Web site takes too long
Many factors can affect Internet performance:
■ The condition of the telephone lines in your residence or at your local telephone
■ The condition of the Internet computers to which you connect and the number of
users accessing those computers
■ The complexity of graphics and multimedia on Web pages
■ Having multiple Web browsers open, performing multiple downloads, and having
multiple programs open on your computer
People are sending you e-mail messages, but you have not received any mail
■ Click the receive button in your e-mail program.
Help and
For more information about troubleshooting Internet connections,
click Start, then click Help and Support.
Type the keyword troubleshooting connections in the Search box
, then click the arrow.